screenshot of podcast interview

Interview on the Unstuck and Happy Podcast

I had a great time with this interview! I may have overshared. 😬 BUT – it was all in the spirit of helping others see they are not alone in adversity.

Caveat: At one point I said, “Direct Sales companies don’t show you how to get to the top.” The second half of that thought is, “because they can’t. Even with extensive training and support, they can’t show you your way to the top because everyone’s path to the top is unique. ❤️

John Polish talks with Elizabeth Chritton about pivoting in the face of adversity.

If you are facing difficult times, especially when it comes to finances, listen to this conversation. John Polish talks with Elizabeth Chritton about how she managed to keep moving and pivoting in the face of adversity.

To watch more Unstuck and Happy Podcasts, visit https://unstuckandhappy.com/podcasts/