
Elizabeth Interviewed by Abby Eden on Fox 4 Morning News

Making Millions

Fox 4 Morning News with Abby Eden
Originally aired January 26, 2018
(text of interview typed below)

Abby: All right, in 2003 Sprint laid off Elizabeth Demas leaving the mother of two without a job and bills to be paid so she decided to make a little side money by selling Avon. Well 15 years later she is the #1 Avon representative in the United States and she’s written a book about it. Elizabeth joins us now to explain how she did it and how you can. So your book is called, “From Knocking on Doors to Making Millions.” So how did you do it?

Elizabeth: Well like you said, after being laid off I decided I wanted to stay home with my little boys, who were then little at the time, so I started out by knocking on doors and Gardner, Kansas.

Abby: Wow!

Elizabeth: Within the first six months I sold over $10,000 with the Avon. I went on a cruise to Cozumel. And, I ended up on the front cover of a magazine just for Avon representatives. It was at the photoshoot I met an Avon lady who had an Avon store and I decided ‘well I’m gonna do that too.’ So here we are all these years later I’ve sold over $6,000,000 worth of Avon.

Abby: Holy cow! That’s incredible!

Elizabeth: Yeah.

Abby: Okay, so what were some of the biggest lessons that you learned during this whole process?

Elizabeth: Well definitely – there’s not just one way to success. So a lot of people, they’ll try one way and then it doesn’t work out and so they give up on it. So you want to try a method and then keep trying different ways to do it. Try another method and try different ways to do it. And you keep messing with everything until you find the right combination of efforts that lead to success.

Abby: And it doesn’t have to just be makeup. So women are now selling fitness Programs, jewelry, photography. So what are your top tips for moms who want to grow their own business: be it Avon or something else?

Elizabeth: Right. Well, it’s not uncommon that people, they start a business and then say, “I have a dream. I have a goal. I want to reach this. I want to reach that.” I also do consulting on the side and it’s quite common for people to … they don’t know the steps to get from here to there. So they get stressed out. They get overwhelmed; and then they don’t do anything.

Abby: Sure.fox4morningnewswithabbyeden

Elizabeth: And so then they feel bad for not doing it. And so if any of your viewers have started a business, and then just didn’t even do anything – they’re not alone. That’s actually kind of common.

So what I did – between my experiences and challenges and successes – I put together a Blueprint for Success to show people how to get from here to there, and how to get all those steps in between. You can find that worksheet here: https://d2saw6je89goi1.cloudfront.net/uploads/digital_asset/file/333264/YourBluePrintForSuccessV4.pdf

There’s also a webinar to show people how to use it. See that at: https://youtu.be/OzaBlLsboEo  But once people can figure out the steps to get to success then they can start their path on their journey to their dreams.

Abby: That is so inspiring and it’s good to know that those of us who start and don’t finish are not alone because that’s me in so many projects!

All right if you have more questions for Elizabeth she’ll be holding a book-signing at her own store: Avon Mega Store tomorrow it’s from 1:00 until 4:00. It’s off College and Quivira in Overland Park.